As we have already established, patience is not my strong suit. So while waiting for our baby, I've been filling my time with lots of friends, family, training, working, and reading! Lots of reading, lately! And I discovered the most brilliant, amazing book..The Book Thief! It grabbed me from the very first word and has captivated me throughout! I love, love, love this book and wanted to take a moment to promote this book and encourage everyone to read it. It just may change your life..or at least, your outlook! :) It has absolutely become one of my very favorite novels EVER!
What are some of your favorite novels?
Ornament from one of my favorite students. Since we began the process of trying to conceive, and are now on the process of adopting, Christmas has held a little bit of sadness for me. I always dreamt of experiencing the blessings of Christmas with and through my children and that has yet to be. While Christmas has always been my favorite holiday, I realized that I was focusing on the things I didn't have, instead of all the gifts I do have, especially the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ! I came across something really great while doing my daily morning devotional the other day... "Do not allow Christmas to be defined by your disappointment, but allow your disappointment to be forever changed because of Christmas." Love that! And I have decided to let that be my motto and my attitude about Christmas because Christmas presents all the blessings that we find in Jesus Christ! I continue to look forward to the promise of future Christmases with our future little blessing. :)
I have often wondered where the saying, 'All good things come to those who wait' came from. It's a hard concept to grasp and one that I am not very good at...the waiting part. I work daily to remind myself that everything is in God's perfect timing and sometimes that requires me to wait. We are in that period now...I like to refer to it as the waiting room. We are waiting for the next step.
The other day I spoke with our agency and was told that they are currently working with a couple birth moms, however, neither mom is at the point of looking through portfolios and picking a family. So we wait! And in the meantime, we praise. Praise God for the baby that he has destined for us. :) He now knows the baby that we will know as ours in the future. I find my peace in knowing that, and that in turn, makes me a little more patient. :)