Today began the first official day of Lake Stevens 70.3 training!! Even though I have been doing a little training each week, today the plan really began. I am super duper excited for the journey ahead. Only 230 days... :)
To celebrate this first official day of training my aero bars received a cute make-over. :) They went from boring black to flower power! They make me happy...and that is important when you spend hours bent over looking at them. ;)
To celebrate this first official day of training my aero bars received a cute make-over. :) They went from boring black to flower power! They make me happy...and that is important when you spend hours bent over looking at them. ;)

My workout this morning was an easy 20 minute run. I could have gone longer but I am working on following my plan and working up my milage accordingly. I will begin swimming next week with my amazing Tri team.. CdA Tri Team. Really looking forward to getting back in the pool! :)